Focus on Your Core Business
CIESA distinguishes itself from its competitors in several ways. The most important and beneficial, is that all its services are provided by experienced and highly qualified personnel, all of which, are directly employed by CIESA.
Professional and High Quality
The top quality services provided by CIESA are in the areas of: BPO Services, Construction, Real Estate and Logistics
CIESA provides a variety of services designed to support its clients in their new Mexican projects.
Located in Monterrey, MEX
By using CIESA´s IMMEX Program Administration Services, companies eliminate the administrative burden of preparing the legally required records and reports of their import and export operations. Additionally, savings are obtained since the clients does not require to spend in purchasing specialized software, its upgrades periodically and we offer onsite training of the customers staff.
We have a professional and expert team established and trained to take over these operations, specializing in preparing and presenting all corresponding reports to the authorities in a timely manner.
Our detailed software applications is continuously upgraded and updated in accordance with the constantly changing IMMEX legislation and to the meet the needs of the client´s specific requirements.
These software features allow CIESA to obtain the necessary reports to provide a correct IMMEX Program administration through a personal link that will provide real-time operations status.
Access to our internet portal for up dated reports
Import and export operation data administered by our qualified personnel
BOMS analysis for a more accurate discharge result.
Scrap material strategy for a secure and efficient administration this highly sensitive manufacturing process.
Human Resources
Information Technology
Financial Services